Wednesday 26 November 2014

Here in Eternity

Here in Eternity
I know You are for me
In the whisper of the trees
In the thunder of the seas
These things speak of Thee

In the walk among the clouds
I shout Your name aloud
I know Your love abounds
I know I am found
set free in Your grounds

I know You are near
but are You the fox or the deer
I have no shadow, to fear
I am still, I am here
The light is becoming clear

In these moments of purity
I know You are for me
In your Love so strong
I abide in tranquillity
In Your Mercy so tender
I may look back and remember
In your Grace so fine
I know Life is Divine

Thursday 20 November 2014

New flowers of Spring

Oh Humanity wake and look to and fro
While you were at each others throats
did you take note
of the suffering behind the eyes
The light innocent that dies
For in a rainy night he walks
To no one else he talks
the babe or the wise
To himself he keeps
Seldom to anyone does he speak

Alone in a room
as rain drops outside
Loneliness and doom
sadness does not subside
From the food van
a tasteless lumpen offering
He does all he can
but what good does it bring
A hope for the new flowers of Spring

Tuesday 18 November 2014

A walk among the clouds

Here in Eternity
You are for me
In the whisper of the trees
In the thunder of the seas
These things speak of Thee

In the walk among the clouds
I speak Your name aloud
I feel Your Love abounds
I know I am found
set free in Your grounds

I know You are near
but are You the fox or the deer
I have no shadow, to fear
I am still, I am here
The light is becoming so clear

In these moments of Purity
I know You are for me
In Your Love so strong
I abide in tranquillity
In Your Mercy so tender
I may look back and remember
In Your Grace so fine
I know Life is Divine

Wednesday 12 November 2014

The Love that saves

O Yours is the Love that saves
the Masters' slave
The hourly prayer and petition
anew I form my rendition
of the words which bring forth
the Love which saves our worth
For You may grant the Grace
anything in the mystery of time and place
For You may reach your hand to save
both the master and the slave

Every link which was broken
every neglected well-meaning token
Every word You have spoken
shall be honoured when we have woken
Opened up our eyes and hearts
to the suffering of our other partners
When we test and averse
Each other and have no faith in
our brothers. When the slings break
our skin and bones. When your friends
forsake you are alone. And when the Shepard tends
to the lost and injured single lost lamb
We are brought back home again
When Our Father shines his smile
upon His prodigal child
Then our hearts will sing the joy
of every new born girl and boy
When the Brother comes and speaks
humble clear words to the meek
then we faithfully understand
Why God chose to come to us as a Son of Man.

The Love in all our hearts
a family all are the part
The Love we all share
to comfort Love and care
The Saviour has come
to save all of us from
the Tempter Deceiver and Lie
To safe guard us lest we die
For the temptations of this world
are too great for one to bear
but together when we share Love
we are the tokens of the God above
You honour me and by doing so
set me free, from the bounds and woes
So save His Only Son
that he may come again
And save your neighbour also
So he doesn't leave you and go

Sunday 2 November 2014

Beautiful the way

Beautiful the candle that gives its' light
at the cost of its' own life
Beautiful a summers' night
that the young may revel in loves' delight
And the sacrifice of the mourning son
Too soon was the deed done
on dreaded day
the maker of the way
left us
our sin debt to pay

Beautiful is the One who lets us in
to knowledge that the defeated win
You let your face to shine on me
On every leaflet of grass and leaf on every tree
You give us every glorious day
and every consequence of our ways
To every one this blessed Earth
you gave the spirit which gives the birth
To all the fruits and all the birds
You have pronounced your word
The spirit that flies
That all must die
and be given rebirth