Monday, 11 March 2019

The music

The music a deaf person hears
in the stillness something out of nothing
Some beautiful created origin of every sound ever heard
Again and again in infinite variation
A gain


Please , don't fly away little birdy
don't fly away from me
don't leave me never leave me
my friend so lonely

I care for you my friend
and my self
I feel you I feel my heart
SO lonely when any one leaves
SO lonely I need leaves
medical help

Thursday, 28 February 2019

Be careful of store bought pharmacy Vitamins

Vitamin pills can some times be very concentrated and not be the right thing for you. I just try to eat good tasty interesting varied food and trust that all I need will be in the variety of foods . The real vitamin is in ; not eating the same thing over and over .

These are some of the Vegan foods I try some times to ease the boredom of just fruits and veges

Some times I like to try fried foods like Vegan " Chicken nugget "s  or " Prawn "s . These are breaded or battered and come frozen ready for frying . The Frys' brand of Vegan foods is good and tasty .
OR the another brand is Vege Delights . They make good Vegan Mince .
I see that Quorn are now making fully Vegan alternatives .

Tuesday, 26 February 2019


eternal was a good girl band in the 1990s from Britain .
Aside from this good news the serious uptake is that :

Every thing is recorded in the Mind of God and every little bit of sadness , disrespect , dystopicality hurts Him . That is why He does not draw near to we some times . Although He does send some - one to us in these times of pain . He sends the Saviour .
So cheer up , put on your armour or amore , and make good things happen . For your sake and for the sake of Him whom Loves you so much that the feeling is strong ...