On a serious note
To live well and to be healthy in mind, body and soul, I personally believe, one needs to be careful. Careful means to have love and tenderness and caring for ourselves, others and the world and God.
What we think, pray and do in our time affects us.
To have a worthy mind and philosophy and theology we should think and feel and act according to principles.
One of these principles is Love. To Love is righteous.
If we Love another will that enable us to love ourselves?
If we Love God do we therefore Love His creation?
Can God be a Person?
Can that Person be non-human?
Can an animal be a Person?
If we kill an animal have we committed a sin?
If we sin are we able to receive the blessings of God?
If we are looking from a fallen perspective do we see clearly?
It is like standing on the bottom of a mountain and looking around. Then compare that to standing on the top of a mountain and looking around.
To Love is the essence of the Law. And by Loving we are saved.
Love all of Gods creations and try not to eat your friends.
Birds are your aquaintances in the sky.
Mosquitos are the justice department of Nature.
Dogs are your best and loyal1st friend.
Cows mind their own business.
Sheep are good natured and careful.
Wolves dingos and foxes are the slaughter-men of nature. They kill chickens and sheep for us and all we do then is walk along the fields and pick up the carcasses.
We should not shake the olive trees when harvesting them. I propose that a fine net with holes just too small for a ripe olive to pass through be put on the ground in harvest season and collected and shaken off two-daily depending on the amount of olives that have dropped naturally. Naturally dropped olives are richer and riper, full of flavour.
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