Monday 21 November 2016

Sermon. From the evidence of nature (Gods'creation)

For it is written:
Jesus walked across the surface of the water  and got in to the boat with them.  He lay in the bow of the boat and slept. But the storm blew the waves in to the boat and the boat was sinking. They said "Master the boat is sinking. Save us."
Jesus got up on the bow of the boat and commanded the waves to be still and the winds to cease blowing.

   The sun (the Father) glories on a hot day and brings the water (the spirit of Christ) to the sky.
In the night, it rains and the spirit of Christ calms the winds( the spirits).
For the spirits are the wind and we breathe in the spirits and they give us Life. The spirits Live within us.
For all that have departed will be made living again. In all that breathe.

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