Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Bless us O Lord for we are but fallen creatures. Bless us in your service and overwhelming Grace.

Far and wide so grand
never cast out of His hand
Together with brothers I stand
to be reborn forever more

And as what shall I be born
To be a lamb lovingly shorn
and always to feast on Gods lawn
To live without killing

Does the dove fly of its' own wings?
Does the ant lift up heavy things?
Does the gnat with its' limbs sing?
Or is it that each had its' God given talent?

How does the sun shine day and night?
In day time to be in sight
How does the moon shine reflected light?
Or is it that no one knows the secrets of Thee?

For to think that knowledge is certain
and that we can mend the curtain
or that thoughts are worth an
airing or two
We do not know Your comings or go.
Original Work in the mathematics of Prime numbers and complex numbers and applications in the themes of universal stellar formations and the themes of family sociology in anthropology.

Basic theory of Prime numbers.
A prime number is a number which cannot be produced by multiplying other numbers. It stands as being divisible only by 1 and the prime number itself. For example 1 is a prime number. 2 is a prime number. 3 is a prime number. 4 is not a prime number; because 2 times 2 equals four as well as 1 times 4. The search for prime numbers in the domains of I (integers), R (real numbers) and C (complex numbers) is an important area in mathematics.

In the domain of R and C.
The domain of R (real) numbers is the domain of I extended into the contiguous spaces between integers ie. Partials as well as integers. So 3.141 is a real number.
In the domain of R prime numbers have existence just as they do in I. In R however the number of possible prime numbers is greatly reduced. Primes in the domain of I sometimes are no longer prime in the domain of R. For example 4 times 0.5 equals 2 so 2 is no longer prime. Prime numbers in the domain of R are non-definite numbers. These are the irrational numbers. These include pi, natural exponential constant, 2/7 and square root of 2.

In the domain of C.
In the domain of C where any number can be expressed as x+yi where x is the real component, y is the co-efficient of the unreal component and i is the imaginary co-efficient such that i squared=-1.
In the domain of C the axes are extended into two dimensions. These can be drawn on a Cartesian plane.
Prime numbers in the domain of C.
Prime numbers in the domain of C consist of points on the Cartesian plane which cannot be reached from any other point by periodicity or continuous function. The irrational numbers are still prime in the domain of C.
Conjecture: Prime numbers in the domain of C are the infinite series of numbers, with associated unreal components, of the irrational numbers. Primes in C must have irrationality in the real and unreal parts of the number.
C stands for Cartesian.

Application to stellar formations in real sky space.
Since 1. real sky space can be ascribed by a three dimensional Cartesian space, 2. stars appear as dots of energy or light and 3. application of complex numbers may be made in theories of electromagnetic or wave-like energy then:
Inference may be conjectured that prime numbers in the domain of C are equivalent to stars in the field of real sky space.

A physics theory of stellar formations (stars).
Given the above, a conjecture may be made that stars have at their core an imaginary irrational nature; such as an endless whirlpool€ centre. So that the whirlpool€ draws the surrounding space towards it. Analogous to an approximation function which centres on an irrational (complex) number. The prime complex number sheds light on all other numbers since other numbers can be expressed as a function of one or more prime complex numbers. So prime numbers in combination can make all other numbers. Thus stars in combination make the rest of space. Thus the €œwhirlpool may be spinning space outwards. So the universe may be expanding.
The approximation function approaches but never reaches the centre of its' journey to the irrational number. Thus stars may have at their core a €œnothing€. An endless non-being coming into existence, with energy and matter being created then cooling into the form of space.

A family sociology anthropology application of complex numbers in the form of an elegant equation.

In the domain of complex numbers x+yi in application to anthropology we must consider the function of houses. If houses may be expressed by brackets ie. €œ( )€ and number of partners with the function f(n): n squared such that f(n)=n times n and x=woman and y=man then we get the function:

f(n)=coupling in the era of man having imaginary co-efficients ie. Pornography or imagination or €œi€ for €œeye€ as in €œdelight the eye
such that f(n)=(x+yi) squared

Expanding that function gives x squared+2xyi-y squared
In words the expanded function reads two women plus two children who have pornography co-efficients minus two men. In terms of houses we have two co-habiting females with access to children and no contact with two co-habiting males.

The conclusion of the story of pornographys' effect on the family unit is that lesbianism and gay is a result of pornography use.

In corollary; If instead of imagination we use C for creativity we get a different result.

Creativity in the arts and crafts if drawing from the natural urges between the sexes may create a better outcome for the individuals involved and for society in general.
In this scenario the function would be of the form ; (x+y) squared

giving the result; x squared + 2xy + y squared
thus in words then the result is ; two women plus two children plus two men.

This result is a viable family.

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