Saturday, 10 May 2014

Universal Theory with Number Theory

Questions in the field of Number Theory and Prime Numbers with application to the studies of Physics of Reality and the studies of human relationships in anthropology.

With respect and reference to Mr Mark Matson and "Mr John Talke".

Numerals in Number Theory and how they relate to Religion, Life and the Universal Theory.

Let us start with the number One. Written using a downward stroke of the pen in Western systems with the result being seen as : 1.

In Chinese systems the one is a left to right horizontal stroke of the pen or brush with the result being seen as a short horizontal line.

Either way the One seems to be associated with beginnings. In this treatise the beginning is the beginning of the World. In Universal Theory, as learned from Mr Mark Matson, the line is the vector for a linear movement. Such as a sweep of Gods' hand across the “Ether”. Ether is derived from the word “either” meaning either existence or non-existence. This is the beginning of the universe as we shall see.

The One means God is one. The one comes before the Zero because God was always, before the World. The One means God.

The Zero comes after because, according to Universal Theory, the movement of the One across the Ether causes a spinning motive. This spinning causes a vortex which is where the circle of the Zero is formed.

The Zero is Jesus Christ. He was at the beginning before the World was formed.

On the number line we have “1 0” which looks like the number “10”, ten. Thus we have the perfection and completion at the beginning of the world. In Christianity this is expressed as: “The plan was perfect from the beginning.” Or “He knew me before I was formed.”

So according to the Fibonacci sequence we can add the 1 and 0 and get the result of 1 because 1+0=1. On the number line that looks like “1 0 1”

The second “1” is the Angels. God created the Angels after creating Jesus. The second “1” stands in contra-position to the first “1” so this could mean Lucifer, who is the player in opposition to God. Jesus stands in the middle.

In Universal Theory, we are at the point of creating a second vortex because when we have a vortex spinning in space that gives rise to a counter-spinning vortex. Such as in the time-line just above, with the “1”s standing for vortexes.

Two is the number of Adam and Eve. A married couple.

With two vortexes spinning counter to each other we have symmetry with vortex-void centre-vortex. This creates a third vortex with the centre being where the void centre is, since the two previous vortexes also churn against each other around the void centre. This gives rise to vortex-vortex-vortex or “1 1 1” or if we add the three ones 1+1+1=3. Thus we have three or on the number line “1 0 1 2 3.”

Three is the number of the Holy Trinity in Catholicism. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost. The number of God. Three in One. The Triune God. With Three spinning vortexes we still have symmetry about a void centre. This three spinning vortexes gives rise to a forth vortex.

Thus we have the number Four. Four is the number of the cardinal directions in the compass and a lucky number in Chinese systems. In the Chinese system of numbers there is no symbol or numeral for zero. If we count the number of non-zero numerals in the time-line above we get four. Thus reading in words: “The Father, the Angels, Man and Woman and the Trinity.” Or “The Father, the Angels, Man and Wife and Family ie. Man, Wife and Child.” Thus there is no “Saviour” Son in the Chinese religions.

Four is the number of the World in Chinese systems.

With four vortexes there is still symmetry in above three dimensional space eg. Six dimensional space. The four vortexes form a tetrahedron about a void centre. Thus giving rise to a fifth vortex.

The number five is a special number. It is the number of the fingers on one hand and the first prime number in Spatial Mathematics. There is no longer symmetry in six dimensional space when five vortexes are formed. The movement in space becomes chaotic and many different motions and things arise in the turbulence of five vortexes. There is an explosion of creation.

If we count the numerals on the number line above we get five. In words then the reading is “ The Father, the Son, the Angels, Adam and Eve and the Trinity.” With these five elements we get all of Creation.

There are no more stable vortexes after Five.

We get the number Six from the Six Days of Creation or the Six Dimensions of reality. The Six dimensions are x, y, z, E, M, g.

Six is the number of Man since Adam was created on the Sixth day.

Six is a worldly number. It is a perfect number in that it is created by both odd and even numbers below it.

With Five vortexes there are Ten Plates of three vortex points. That means to form Plates or two dimensional planes or plates we use three points out of five for each plate. If we do so we get ten plates. If we name the vortexes we get A, B, C, D and E. Thus the plates are called by their constituent points or corners:











Any single point has involvement in Six plates, for example A is involved in Six plates and B is involved in Six plates.

There are three points on each plate so that is where we get 666. The number of the beast.

If we take the plates that are not in the Six ie not in any of the world then we get four plates.

If the four plates are considered as waves which can combine then we get as in this diagram.

The four primaries are at the bottom and they combine to create two bigger waves and then these combine to create the big crest at the top. If we count the number of crests we get the number Seven.

Seven with three points for each plate give 777 the number of Divinity. Seven is man plus one or super-human or godly. Seven is the Lucky number.

Eight is the number of the Eight-fold path. The Buddhist teaching of the Eight noble pursuits or states of being. Eight is the number of series of the Periodic Table of Elements.

Nine is the number of Completion. When man, the number Six, unites with God, the number Three. 6+3=9.

Ten is the number of Jesus Christ. Christ means ten. Written as a cross in Chinese numerology means Ten. Jesus is God plus man plus one more. One more life. As risen from the sleep of death. Thus a Christian who is united with God can expect to rise from Death.

Thus the theory of numbers and the theory of the universe can uphold the faith that religions have held over the years.

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