Monday, 4 May 2015

Assay: Why being a Vegan means you are a Christian.

Dear readers, may Holy Spirit come by upon you as we ponder the mysteries of morality and the Law.
In Jesus name we pray. Amen.

Premise one; morality is the sole province of God, the sovereign.

Premise two; atheism inculcates a morality without God.

Conclusion; atheism is immoral.

Premise one; morality is the study of right and wrong.

Premise two; without an arbiter of right and wrong there is no intrinsic sense of right and wrong.

Conclusion; without an arbiter of morality there is no intrinsic right and wrong.


Premise one; the abuse of animals is wrong.

Premise two; if the animal has no, or limited, awareness of being abused then it is not being abused.

Lemma; it is wrong if God decrees it.

Conclusion; God gives intrinsic worth to all things.

Conclusion; premise two is not correct if and only if you believe in Christianity.

Definition; intrinsic in; in trin; trinity ic; is correct.

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