Sunday, 30 July 2017

A defence of the Arts

What passes for art these days...

The "art" that comes out of the Greek tragedy tradition is dystopian. When someone dies, is murdered, tortured or scorned then that is bad. We only concern ourselves with this "art" because we still live in the fallen world. The Hollywood tradition falls into this category.

True art is an expression of our higher morals and aspirations. Beauty, morals, ideals, joy, true happiness are the ingredients of good art. eg. walking along the tropical beach with your lover and discovering all kinds of wonderment in the environment; the sea, the sand, the sky; music drawing you in in the evening towards the pavillion where there is food and drinks and good people to meet. This is Eden. The true art of God. This life was meant for us. We need to return to the Garden of Eden.
Fallen, as we are but sinners, to return we must die of our wicked selves and be reborn of spirit. For it is that miniscule speck of soul, which is the only pure part of us, that will live on forever. The soul is reborn in to a perfected body free from death and corruption and we return to our Maker.

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